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It's Great to Date & Donate!

Mixing & Mingling

Our February started off with big hearts, and big pockets as we booked out the entire Transcend Mercer's Basement for our fabulous 30 participants to donate, and date 15 eligible bachelors and bachelorettes!

It was an evening of delight as we got to experience first hand, the genuine connection amongst complete strangers. In reflection, it taught us a lot about humanity, and how important a supportive community in any area of our lives can make a positive impact.

We were able to not only explore and celebrate new connections, but also be a support group for the Alzheimer's Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories (ASANT). Listed below are the local chapters of where our funds will go!

We are humbled more than ever from our yeg locals, and we cannot wait to see what our Vancouver participants will be raising funds and awareness for! If you will be in the area, stay tuned through our website and social media avenues to find out how to register!

Happy February to all of our wonderful online readers. We'll be sharing again in March! ^_^

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