It's good to run into some children's books from time to time. Why? Because it's a great reminder that today is as good as any day to make it THAT day. Many of us "busy people" try to plan our weeks ahead, and for those moments or details that we feel like we can "do sometime later", often times are forgotten or brushed aside. When it comes to planning, even the smallest details can have the biggest impact. Don't know where to start? It's ok- taking small steps, and feeling comfortable bouncing ideas around with your trusted confidantes is where it's at.
Case in point- this morning, we were looking at some conferences that inspire us, and we ran across the ‘World Domination Summit', and we couldn’t help but notice how it caught our attention- immediately. Naming your developmental conference something so BIG, and ambitious may seem like a small oversight on a planner's behalf, or a detail that might drive others away, but the truth is, it allows not only a large audience of professionals to be curious, but also the mentality that we truly can take on the world with the right attitude, and hard work. Our fellow Law sister in Vancouver is convinced that this is our next stop…only time will tell!
Anyway, let's make it a productive choose-day for all!